
The Critical Care & Hemodynamic Monitoring Training System...

Critical Care & Hemodynamic Monitoring Trainer

Prof. Saliterman designed and build a system for training medical residents in performing heart catheterization and managing patients with critical respiratory and cardiovascular illness. The system presents a case history on a computer, and allows choices of pharmacologic and other other therapy options. If right heart catheterization is indicated, the system will simulate a full cardiac monitor, allowing visualization of blood pressure, ECG, and catheter pressures as the catheter is advanced through the heart to wedge position. Continued management of the patient results in real-time changes in the the measured hemodynamic data. It is the first interventional medical training device ever connected to a computer, and received a patent. The system has been obtained by 17 medical institutions - and was a feature workshop at conferences at Johns Hopkins Hospital for several years. The project was published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion Simulation...

Pulmonary Artery Catheter Placement Simulation

Critical Care Simulation...

Catheterization Training Session